Answering Common Questions About Braces and Retainers

During your child’s orthodontic treatment, there may be lots of curiosities that come up surrounding braces, retainers, and other aspects of realigning their unique smile. To help provide clarity, we’ve put together answers to some of the common questions we hear from parents and patients. Read on for insight into everything from foods to avoid to post-treatment retention and more.

Adjustment Appointments 101

How often will my child need orthodontic adjustments?

Every child’s treatment plan is unique, but most patients come in for adjustments every 4-8 weeks. We’ll collaborate with you at each appointment to track progress and make small tweaks to wires, ligatures, or bands to guide teeth into proper positioning incrementally over time.

Do adjustment visits hurt?
There may be mild pressure, poking, or pinching felt during an adjustment visit as we handle the oral appliances. But the appointment itself should never be painful, thanks to the use of dental tools designed specifically to minimize discomfort. Always share with us any sensitivity your child experiences so we can make the process as smooth as possible.

How long do adjustment appointments take?
Plan for adjustment visits to last 20-40 minutes including time for x-rays to check progress and suction tools to keep saliva buildup at bay during appliance tweaks. We combine expertise with efficiency to transform smiles safely and quickly.

Diet and Habits

What foods should my child avoid with braces?
Chewy, crunchy, and sticky foods can damage braces so it’s best to avoid popcorn, nuts, gum, caramel, taffy, ice, hard candies, and even chewy fruits like apples. Watch out for accidentally biting down on utensils, pens, nails, or other hard items too. Finally, limit sugary snacks and rinse with water after meals to prevent cavities forming under braces over time.

Are braces safe for sports?
For many sports like baseball, soccer, tennis, or dance, braces won’t pose an issue, but we do recommend wearing a mouthguard during gameplay to protect the teeth and braces from blunt impact which could bend the wires or bands. For rougher contact sports like football or hockey, custom orthodontic mouthguards may be needed.

What if my child plays musical instruments like the trumpet?
Playing instruments requiring a mouthpiece is usually fine with braces as long as soft wax is applied over top any braces on the front teeth. We offer orthodontic wax at our office and can recommend the most comfortable approach for playing any wind or brass instrument without irritating your child’s adjusted bite.

Post Care

Will my child need retainers after braces?
In most all cases, yes – it’s crucial to wear retainers as prescribed once appliances come off to hold teeth in corrected positions while the gums and bones surrounding them stabilize. If retainers aren’t utilized, teeth may shift back toward their original places over time, undoing all the beautiful progress achieved!

How long do retainers need to be worn?
Initially, retainers should be inserted daily, all day – only removing them briefly for eating or contact sports. Over time, patients can switch to nighttime-only wear though we still recommend using retainers a few nights per week even after many years to prevent regression. Everyone’s treatment is unique, so follow our specific wearing regimen.

We hope this gives you more confidence around everything from adjustment appointment logistics and dietary guidance to sports safety and post-treatment expectations. As always, reach out directly anytime you have a question arise – whether today or years from now, we’re always here to provide clarity!

Sally Baker

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